rightThe information in your credit report has a huge impact on whether or not you qualify for a mortgage loan and what interest rate a lender will offer. Therefore, it’s important your credit report reflects a positive image of the way you manage your money. If you're getting ready to buy a home, checking your credit report is the best way to ensure you get the loan and interest rate you deserve.

As part of our pre-qualifying process, we will review your credit report with you and provide you a copy of your scores. 

New law promotes free access to credit reportsleft
You are able to get your credit report for free. A recent amendment to the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) mandates that each agency provide you with a free copy of your credit report, at your request, once every year, from www.annualcreditreport.com.

Whether you are thinking of buying a home or simply curious about what’s in your credit report,  it’s important to correct any errors you discover as soon as possible.  You don’t want errors in your credit report  affecting your eligibility for credit in the future. 

Alpha Mortgage, LLC

Overland Park, KS, 10500 Barkley Suite 101
Lee's Summit, MO, 249 SW Noel Street